
in a very tight competition, we strive to continue to grow over time.


Founded in 2018 by a valve entrepreneur, PT Rame Rekaguna Prakarsa (RAME VALVE) is a company focused on provide fast delivery & outstanding service in valve requirement.


We have developed a state of the art facility & work environment centrally located in Bekasi - West Java. We have Operation Building, Valve Repair & Service workshop, Hydrotest Facility, and Elaboration Space.


We have a strategic alliance in place with our valve principal, in order to provide the best quality valves and services all in very short deliveries. Our valve brand included in the Approved Manufacturer List (AML) of the biggest End Users.


As the stock levels grew, it became apparent that more and more clients required valves to be modified to meet specific requirements and furthermore tested to various end user specifications.


The next piece of the puzzle to make RAME VALVE a one-stop-shop for the procurement of valves was the addition of an Industrial Coatings and Blasting Capabilities.